Monday, November 14, 2005

Does your blog show you?

I just read an artical on MSN news that caught my attention. This artical states that the alleged killers both had blogs and quoted their interests which leads the reader to know them by their own description. This is a journal and by having a blog you're leaving yourself up to discriminating readers. This is something we've probably already realized, but when you think of people reading your journal you're probably thinking of friends, random strangers and possibly publishing companies that will recognize your skill and offer you many dollars. I have never thought of it being used against me in the court of law, of the government using my blog as a character witness. Makes obvious sense, though it feels invasive, however much I disillusion myself into believing only the people I want to read this will and I don't think of securing myself in case something is misconstrued.

1 comment:

bgeorge77 said...

That sounds like criminalist talk. What, are you a criminalist?