Thursday, June 29, 2006

Setting: A cd and record store in downtown Houston. Two 17 year old girls stand in the popular music section slowly sifting through cd's on a lazy sunday. One of the girls picks up Blood On The Tracks.

First girl
: Oh I have this cd. It's really good, one of his best.

Second Girl: Whose best? (Takes the cd to read the musicians name) Whose Bob Die-lan?

First Girl: What! Did you just say Bob Die-Lan? Your parents listen almost exclusively to folk-rock! You know who Bob Dylan is!

Second Girl: (Unimpressed) Oh. yeah, I don't like his voice, he sounds like he might be retarded.

First Girl:(Throws up on second girls shoes)

Second Girl:(Learns a lesson in music and in friendship.)

1 comment:

Cibbuano said...

man, throwing up is a great way to lose a couple of pounds before a big show!