Saturday, August 12, 2006

Your momma does not live here and if she did she'd tell you the same

"Hey, don't do the dishes, alright? I'll do them when I get back tonight" I said
"Oh, it's so nice to have another girl here" my new flatmate sighed "The guys never clean anything, you know how they can be."
"Dan never washes the dishes?" I asked
She laughed "No, he's always busy with school and Mada is, well...he's Mada and with Yaz gone it's just been me cleaning up."
She went to her room leaving me alone as I pondered womens lib and the progressive movement.

I made up a conversation between me and a male who made women do all the house work. It went like this:

"You don't do dishes?"
"No, it's pretty sweet huh? I don't have to do any house stuff, the girls do it all!"
"I am a girl"
"You better get crackin' then, I see a pile of dishes with your name on it."
"Hahahahaha! No way."
"Why not?"
"Cause I'm not your (pardon the obvious) maid. You have the same capabilities I have. I can't believe we're even having this conversation."
"You are ruining my life."



Cibbuano said...

I don't think that guys never's just that we have a much higher filth threshold than girls...

Madge DoRightly said...

I can live with mess for a while, as long as there isn't mold or animals involved. It's being expected to clean because I'm a gal while Dan Mada can just do whatever. Not going to happen!!

bgeorge77 said...

All this yappy yap isn't getting those dishes clean!

AAHAHA... just.. just kidding.

It's all about the tolerence thing: It's not that guys initially expect the girls to clean, it's just that guys' tolerance for filth is typically much higher than a girl's tolerance, therefore, the girl cracks earlier. Eventually, guys learn that if you just wait long enough, some girl will come along and go "aaaugh! this mess!" and then boom, problem solved.

So, if you really don't want to clean the dishes, then just don't clean them anymore. "But I hate the sight of filth!" Well then, I guess you lost that round of the battle of the sexes, eh?

Madge DoRightly said...

I wouldn't worry about it at all if it was just me and the guys but with the other girls doing everything...well I can feel their eyes on me, waiting, waiting for me to be a girl and clean. If I don't do it they might take away my vah-jay-jay.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty damn convenient that we guys have a higher "filth threshhold", don't you think? Because that means we never have to do a n y t h i n g in regards to housework. You don't suppose that has anything to do with the fact that historically women have been considered unpaid houseservants for the ambitions of men, do you?

Cleaning as you go, as I am still trying to learn, is much more efficient than trying to clean in big waves. How you going to force your girlfriends/female housemates/female friends to both do all the cleaning AND do it in a way that's as excruciating as possible if they hold out for some (let's be honest; probably not-in-coming) help?

that said, it's a hard thing to change. i'm still working on it.

Madge DoRightly said...

Damn right Timbro!Damn right...

bgeorge77 said...

"You don't suppose that has anything to do with the fact that historically women have been considered unpaid houseservants for the ambitions of men, do you?"

My cousin used to live with me and he was this gigantic slob. I would be like, "Yo, why the hell are you such a slob?"

He said that eventually some woman would come clean all this stuff up.

I was like, no woman lives here. He was like, "Historically speaking, I mean."