Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A question of gains

My history teacher once told me that in any war or battle in History people often give moral reasons for thier beginnings, but in the end it is more important to see who gained from the war if you want to find out how it really began.
This idea came to me while I was thinking about the debate of global warming. Why do people believe that it isn't real? Credible people, scientists, politicians, teachers...etc will show you the research but still it is widely believed to be just an idea, and probably a wrong one. Like it's just hippy bullshit,stirring up trouble. If this is true then the important question to ask is who gains from the global warming idea?


Cibbuano said...

who gains? Well, all the energy suppliers. They're rolling in dough right now, and if people get all conservation out there, they'll lose their gigantic profits.

Basically, all the rich people keep winning.

Also, Canadians do pretty well, if it'll turn Canada into a tropical paradise.

Chris Cusack said...

I think she means "If global warming isn't real, who would gain from making it up?"

The answer to that question is environmental groups. Their motivation, I suppose, is more money for their cause. Their cause being to slow the destruction to the environment, those selfish hippies.

I'm just trying to think like someone who would say that global warming is the "greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people."

Madge DoRightly said...

That is exactly what I mean Zane. It's clear who gains from global warming being fake.

Cibbuano said...

I see... well, everyone in the global warming-fear camp, wins. There's millions of dollar in research funding up for grabs.

I think we should be afraid of global warming, but, ultimately, people are going to capitalize on it.