Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Mature Love

"The philosophy of mature love is marked by an active awareness of the good and bad in each person. It is full of temperance, it resists idealization, it is free of jealousy, masochism, or obsession, it is a form of friendship with a sexual dimension, it is pleasant, peaceful, and reciprocated (and perhaps explains why most people who have know desire would refuse its painlessness the title of love."

-Alain de Boton from the book On Love


bgeorge77 said...

Hmmm... that's all true and fine as it goes.

But what about when the cancer comes?

By the way, Alain du Buton, very under appreciated, I think. His other books on Proust and Success are great.

Cibbuano said...

You really like love, don't you?

In fact, I might even go as far as to say that you LOOOOVE Love. Don't hate the messenger.

bgeorge77 said...

Love and Madge, sittin' in a tree....