Saturday, February 11, 2006

Will There Ever Be a Rainbow?


Cibbuano said...



where's the cynicism?

it's early in the morning, and you almost scalded my eyes with your picture of horses and rainbows...

bgeorge77 said...


There's no cynicism, I suspect that deep down, Meg loves the strawberry shortcakes outta some unicorns.

Blight said...

There are many rainbows... sometimes sweat rainbows...

Just go to niagara falls to witness a a couple - as long as the sun is shining.

Cibbuano said...

Unicorns give me the creeps. I mean, they're the living dead, and they beast on human brains. Sick!

Madge DoRightly said...

Cib, you might be thinking of zombies.