Saturday, November 26, 2005

When do we sleep?

The time for sleep is 9p.m. exactly. Anytime you are awake after
that is time wasted. Time you could be using to be rested,
readied for the next morning when you will be needed as a
productive citizen of this country.
More over, if you are found out of bed I will feel very betrayed
and disrespected as your actions mean that my feelings mean nothing to you.


bgeorge77 said...

What if I can't fall asleep?!

Madge DoRightly said...

Then it means you don't care!!

Andy said...

You have two posts that were created after nine though, I'm not sure what to make of that. My entire belief system is falling apart!

Madge DoRightly said...

The rules don't apply to me! Silly!